The z man

Zarqawi now also in the visor Iraqi resistance groups

He is the Phantom of the Middle East, the criminal anti-hero of a continuously continued news series on the Jihadi terror, which has been his face for weeks, above all. You had to have Abu Mussad Al-Zarqawi (spoken: Sarkaui) Alias Ahmad Fadil Al-Khalailah Alias Habib ("Darling") Inventure if it does not give it, it is called the man, from which neither body sink, nor weight nor the number of healthy legs are known. On the other hand, his arms seem far to rich: from Casablanca and Madrid about Germany, Jordan and Iraq in Iran and Afghanistan. Everywhere, where bombs go up and new terror actions are planned, the Z man leaves his traces. He is the stripping puller, the super brain of the Jihadis, white cnn just as well as the mirror.

Fact is still today only: The man is unbelievable. Since the end of June this year, a reward of $ 25 million is on the Lonely Wolf (CNN) exposed; but neither the repeated US bombardements on his mutual headquarters in Falludscha – with ever new civilian sacrifices – nor the use of the elite troupe Task Force 21 could harm the phantom.

The Z Man

Maybe that is another?. Since yesterday Habib Zarqawi threatens danger from an Iraqi group called Salvation Movement. In a video tape, which was sent to the Arab television channel Al-Arabiya, are supposed to armed muffled manner in front of the Iraqi flag (the old, presumably?) Zarqawi threatened to dead him, if the country did not live along with his followers as soon as possible.

To date, the group has not yet come into appearance because its video appearance strikes the staging style of videos so-called up-to-date, one wants new signs of a "internal opposition" Recognize against Zarqawi. How Zarqawi justify that Civilians are to be killed, the men should ask the manner in a significant Iraqi accent and how he can justify the murder threat to Premier Allawi.

Let the first part of the indictment against Zarqawi still as a sign of a new attitude (cf. Evolution of terror) in certain camps of Dschahdis against innocent victims of terrorist stroke, the second part gives light Ratsel. Allawi as protege of a group of muted resistance? The Premier does not apply as a popular politician in Iraq: he could not be his image as an ex-Baathist and former "Carbomb" get rid of that of an American doll.

The simplest and navigating answer was the fact that the video appearance of the Salvation Movements for one (growing?) Tendency within the Iraqi opposition speaks, which defends itself against any interference from foreign force. Equally in which relationship the phantom is now too al-Qaeda, from a nationalist-minded resistance movement could grow up gross difficulties.

In this context, the question was asked what actually from the upcoming "Godfather", Stripping puller and Mastermind all anticoalition notice in autumn 2003 – the red-haired general "Crucified" Isset Ibrahim ad-duri (cf. Pik-as, cross-King and Irakmethik) has become? Has he trained beard and hair, he is the phantom?